Antic Pays Basque

A Digital Facilitator: Developing digital technology uses in our area!

Antic is an active, committed and highly skilled organisation, hot on the heels of the future and a great believer in experimentation! It is a constant hive of activity which brings order to disorder and fuels digital culture in the local area.


An association under the French law of 1901, promoted by the Côte-Basque Adour Agglomeration to implement its digital policy.


Support business performance by developing uses for digital technology and encouraging businesses to adopt them. Urge institutions and communities to support or fund digital projects.

Develop the digital services offer.

Support sectors by using digital technology to given them structure.

Coordinate and unite the digital stakeholders of the Basque Coast.


MONITOR: identify trends and provide information with added value

SUPPORT: train, integrate uses

EXCHANGE: circulate knowledge and encourage collaboration

EXPERIMENT: develop projects and test services and uses to break new ground


To make digital technology (uses, services, etc.) a driving force behind the development of our area


An association under the French law of 1901, promoted by the Côte-Basque Adour Agglomeration to implement its digital policy.


Support business performance by developing uses for digital technology and encouraging businesses to adopt them. Urge institutions and communities to support or fund digital projects.

Develop the digital services offer.

Support sectors by using digital technology to given them structure.

Coordinate and unite the digital stakeholders of the Basque Coast.


MONITOR: identify trends and provide information with added value

SUPPORT: train, integrate uses

EXCHANGE: circulate knowledge and encourage collaboration

EXPERIMENT: develop projects and test services and uses to break new ground


To make digital technology (uses, services, etc.) a driving force behind the development of our area

Since 1999

The aim of LaNum – a non-profit association under the French law of 1901 – is to make new projects blossom, encourage innovation and improve the competitiveness of the Basque Country, alongside a network of stakeholders from diverse backgrounds.


With each initiative, LaNum draws on the fundamental values that make up part of the association’s DNA.


Because uses for digital technology are being invented every day, LaNum adapts, evolves, plans ahead, proposes and innovates on a daily basis and with each project.


Because quality, rigour and relevance are the three main criteria that characterise the association’s team and members, LaNum is constantly raising the high standards of its work.


Because innovation requires collaboration, LaNum places openness and a willingness to listen at the heart of its initiatives, and draws strength from encounters and interactions with its ecosystem, focusing on sharing, involvement and joint responsibility.


Because to imagine, invent and create you need to be daring, LaNum looks ahead, explores and experiments by taking risks to unearth the digital technology uses of the future and establish the appeal of its area of influence.